Upcoming Events


Worship Service – 10:00 AM
(classes for nursery through 12 years)


55+ Senior Adult Service – 10:30 AM
Prayer Meeting- 7:00 PM
Believers Kids Service – 7:00 PM (for ages 5-12)
‘The Cause’ Youth Service – 7:00 PM (students 6th grade and up)
SCUBA SUMMER VBS – Begins June 9Th!
Believers Kids will be doing the Scuba VBS All Summer Long
during Sunday service and Wednesday’s nights!
All Kids welcome – invite your friends & neighborhood kids
Prayer Tent Outreach – June 29th
Join Mark Griffin & Team to meet our community pray needs this Saturday
meet up around 9:30am for set-up, 2-hour event
Sunday Family & Freedom Day! – July 7 (after service)
Please bring your favorite sides, desserts & drinks to share!
The meal will be served in the church 
Dress Casual and join the fun & fellowship on the Giant Waterslide
(Bring a Towel & bathing suit for the slide)
Ladies Poolside Luau Potluck – July 14th 5-7pm
Prepare your best tropical luau dish for lady’s time in Covington! 
Bring a Towel & bathing suit for island pool time fun & fellowship
Please CARPOOL if possible, limited parking 
Please sign up at the Welcome Center
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Believers Fellowship / 1855 Christian Circle SE, Conyers, GA 30013 / 770.922.1022
email: info@BelieversConyers.com